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Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Mimics helps you cope with your Sync-less existence (video)

Mimics helps you cope with your Sync-less existence (video)

Much as we hate to admit it, we can't all afford a fancy new car with Sync or Mini Connected inside -- I mean, come on, we're not made of money, people. Thankfully, it seems MP3Car has a pretty slick and affordable solution to the problem of fumbling with your iPhone when you should probably be focusing on the road and not crashing into things. Mimics is an in-car solution that transmits the contents of your handset to a touchscreen display in the vehicle's dash, letting you listen to music, use GPS, take calls, and check email without having to deal directly with the phone. The system is available now for pre-order at $630 for the full version, $530 for people who have standard double DIN-sized radio openings in their cars, and $205 for hobbyists who want to put the thing together -- here's hoping they're parked when they do.

Top 7 Natural Cold Remedies: Do They Work?

Top 7 Natural Cold Remedies

Bob Martin said he has not caught a cold in years, not because he finds echinacea and goldenseal. Over the last decade, a teacher of 60 years from Placitas, NM, has been taking herbal supplements in high doses three times daily at the first sign of a sniffle. Now he will only hurt if he was not dose themselves in time, he said.

"It's been many years since I've been cold," says Martin. "I took the herb, climbing under the covers, and I was fine the next day they nip. It was from the beginning."

Martin is not alone in his faith in herbal medicine, which is also required for toothache, earache, and other diseases. According to Nutrition Business Journal, Americans spend $ 1.5 billion for cold and flu supplements and other "immune booster" in 2007, and the market grew twice as the standard level, over-the-counter, cough-and-cold- drug market.

But are these alternative treatments really work?

Martin and many other consumer firmly replied, "yes," but experts say that, overall, there is little evidence-based scientific literature on the subject. In fact, makers of Airborne, everywhere "effervescent health formula," settle class action lawsuits to the tune of $ 23,300,000 in 2008. The charge? Science Centre for Public Interest, which helped litigation in accordance with, and the Federal Trade Commission, which filed a separate complaint against the producers, said the company made false claims and unreasonable when it says its product can fight germs or prevent the flu.

"Only a very, very small amounts of compounds having peer review," said Frank Esper, MD, member of the division of infectious diseases of children at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, in Cleveland. "What you see is anecdotal."

And people who have undergone peer review generally come back with mixed reviews.

Evidence is often not strong, and can be conflicting. "But there is some good evidence that some of these things can be effective," said David Leopold, MD, director of integrative medical education at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine and member of the faculty with the Scripps Natural Supplement Conference, in La Jolla, California

Herbal remedies do not appear to prevent colds, but they can help curb the symptoms or shorten their duration, he said. "The things I talk about will reduce the duration at 24 or 36, a significant if you're out doing something," said Dr. Leopold. "They also seem to reduce the severity of symptomology."

Here is what is known about the efficacy of some of the most famous cold solution alternatives, in alphabetical order: View slideshow of natural remedies.

4 Ways to Outsmart the Flu

4 Ways to Outsmart the Flu

Did you get a flu shot, try this trick to reduce your chances of getting grounded by the flu, and prevent colds and other infections.

Wash, repeatedly
Your hands need to be considered. Use regular soap and an old water, and be sure to rub hard for 15 to 20 seconds.

Avoid crowds
Flu virus develops in socialization. Is online shopping more than at the mall, and try to cover your face if someone sneezes near you.

Keep hydrated
The membranes in the nose and throat virus trap and move them back out in the form of mucus. Drink plenty of fluids and gargle to keep you in fighting shape membrane, says Neil Schachter, MD, author of The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu. But avoid humidifiers, they can spread germs.

Does vitamin
Vitamin C is not possible against flu, but experts still recommend it to keep you healthy during flu season. Vitamin D and selenium may also guard against the flu as well. Foods like orange juice or yogurt usually fortified with vitamin D. And OJ has a lot of peanut C. Brazil and beef have a lot of selenium.

Asthma Pills Work as Well as Inhaled Steroids

Asthma Pills Work as Well as Inhaled Steroids

In a study pill asthma compared with commonly prescribed inhaled steroids, British researchers found that oral drugs as effective as inhaled drugs.

Oral drug, known as leukotriene-receptor antagonist, "has shown similar efficacy and cost and better compliance, and should be considered for all patients, not as a last resort, but as an option for patients," said study co-author Dr Stanley Musgrove., senior research fellow at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

"Every different patients will have their own problems that are important to care for them: their adherence to different medications, how well they feel that different drugs work for them, their concerns about different drugs, side effects may be small, and so forth, and all these should be considered when doctors and patients make decisions about the best medicine, "he said.

The results published in the May 5 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine.

This study was designed to be what the researchers call a "pragmatic" trial, which more closely mimic the way people are using drugs in real life as opposed to the strict rules of clinical trials, according to Musgrove.

The researchers recruited 650 people with mild to moderate asthma. The study volunteers were between the ages of 12 and 80, and have inadequate asthma control or quality of life disruption due to asthma symptoms.

Volunteers were randomly assigned to groups. One research group compared with leukotriene-receptor antagonist (Accolate and Singulair) for inhaled corticosteroids as first-line treatment for asthma. Another group of studies compared people who are already taking inhaled steroids are then added to both long-acting rescue medication (known as NET) or leukotriene-receptor antagonist (LTRAs).

Patients were allowed to comply as they wish and change drugs they need, Musgrove said.

Results in two months show that LTRAs also equally effective for inhaled corticosteroids when used as first-line treatment and for consumed when used as an additional treatment. After two years, the effectiveness of these two similar treatment but the researchers noted that "equality has not been proven."

Primary measure of effectiveness of the drug 'is the Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. This quiz has a 15-item total score between 15 to 105, with higher scores showed less decline in asthma. Increased by an average score of 0.8 to 1 point in the trial arms. Asthma control and frequency of asthma exacerbations were similar between the groups.

Musgrove said there was no significant side effects were reported for each drug. However, in 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asked drug makers to add warnings to labels LTRA their medication because of serious side effects behavior, including thoughts of suicide and depression in some people taking the drug.

Risk inhaled steroids for asthma include hoarseness, thrush, sore throat, and bone density may be reduced.

In terms of cost, in 2010 British study that compares the cost of the two therapies
to control asthma LTRAs initial finding that the price is "higher" than the inhaled steroid.

One expert says the latest study comparing the effectiveness of inhaled steroids LTRAs and underlines the need for individual therapy.

"The findings of the study does not make me change my mind. It is asserted that there are various options, and no one answer for everyone," said Dr. Jennifer Appleyard, chief of allergy and immunology at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit.

"The National Institutes of Health has issued guidelines for the management of asthma, and many a literature review to go into setting those guidelines which recommend inhaled corticosteroids are tried first. And, it is my experience that I get good control with more patients using inhaled corticosteroids," he said.

"But if someone is having difficulty using the inhaler on a regular basis or they experience side effects, then I'll think about changing their medication," he added. "But, there is no medicine that will help everyone, and no treatment without risk."

Paper dress for little doll * Coloring and crafting

Create paper doll dress or color the pages!

The Cowboy Baby Mickey Coloring Pages

Baby Coloring Pages
The Cowboy Baby Mickey Coloring Pages

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

And The Winner Is...

The Winner of this week's Caption my Freaky Photo #5...

I couldn't decided between cat and THUNDERCAT - hey they're both feline! I just realised that as I typed their names together. Well done kitties.  Email me at , send me your physical addresses and I'll be sending you a wee something.

"Our emergency plan for dealing with the dreaded wombles eating pink aliens - bath tub, pink alien elimination gun - all to protect our womble" - cat


"When all hell breaks loose, we'll use this tub as a bunker...the dog should feed us for months" - THUNDERCAT

You guys out-did yourself this week.  I can't wait for the next one.  Be sure to come back on Tuesday for #6.